Monday, December 14, 2015

Hermana Schmidt Week 64 Letter 12/14/15

From: Nicole Schmidt []
Sent: 12/14/2015 11:53 AM
Subject: I Feel My Savior's Love.

Hola a todos! 

Happy Birthday to my cousin Michael! :) 

so this week my companion got a weird stomach virus so we were sadly in a lot of the time. But we were able to have some exchanges and I was able to see some of our investigators! 

We had the chance to go to a tourist swap meet that will be in our area every monday for the next 3 months. So, that will explain some of the pictures. It was really fun, and fun to shock all the dominicans when we started speaking spanish (because they all automatically think we are just tourists and don't know) and then they realize they can't hack up their prices.... Spanglish for the win! 

On a sad/funny note, we live close to an outdoor bar that BLASTS music all through the night. We haven't slept very well, but... it is christmas time. AKA dominicans loco time. But... the opportunity from all of this is that it's teaching me what music in spanish I probably shouldnt'listen to after my mission... haha. 

But we were able to go the temple TWICE !:) Once as a mission (and actually do a session) and once with a family we are teaching who have a baptismal date for the 26th this month named La Familia Sosa. (That sounds weird in english, i'm sorry). The first time with the mission was just marvelous, as it always is, and it always gives me such a boost for the next little bit before the next temple trip.

The second trip was so amazing, and the spirit was really strong as we taught La Familia Sosa. We realized their #1 doubt is with Joseph Smith and so we will be watching the Joseph Smith movie today with them, and we really feel that will help them understand his role in the Restoration and why we need to have a testimony of his calling. 

We taught our French Investigator, Mevina, who is here for 10 months. We taught her in english, which was super cool because I was on exchanges with Sister Pichardo who barely speaks english but suddenly in the lesson could really teach the gospel with power. The gift of tongues is so real! It was super powerful, and Mevina is really excited and now is reading her french BOM. 

We had a cool experience this week that strengthened my testimony of the Lord's hands in his work. We were with a member and her car broke down while we were going to appointments. We were stranded at night, in the sketchiest part of our area, without real knowledge on how to help her car. So for 2 hours we were working on it, trying to fix it, and nothing was working. Then, after 2 hours, a man pulled over and started helping us. It turns out he lived really close, with his wife and kids, and actually wanted us to come visit them! The Lord truly works in mysterious ways. 

There's not a lot more to update on, but I was reading my scriptures this morning and I loved these verses in Mosiah 5:

And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually...And we, ourselves, also, through the infinite goodnessof God, and the manifestations of his Spirit, have great views of that which is to come; ... And we are willing to enter into a covenant with our God to do his will, and to be obedient to his commandments in all things that he shall command us, all the remainder of our days, ...herefore, I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works, that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal you his, that you may be brought to heaven, that ye may have everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, and power, and justice, and mercy of him who created all things, in heaven and in earth, who is God above all. Amen.
So I am studying right now the topics of conversion and consecration. I absolutely loved those scriptures and I am really trying to consecrate my mission to the Lord, and more importantly (and after my mission) my life to him. All I want is to be truly converted, fully consecrated, and to participate in this grand work until I can't any longer. I know that when we turn it all over to the Lord,and truly always try and do his will, we will be happy. We will feel full and whole and holy and satisfied. It's the road to pure joy. And we are all on the journey, and although it's a process it's possible! With the Lord we can consecrate our lives, and be his disciples. We just have to follow Him and do his Will. I love this quote from Brad wilcox : ''God wouldn't refine you if you weren't worth refining.'' I try to remember that when I get frustrated or slip up and fall short... that it's a process and the Lord is just refining me because he sees what I can become. And what we all can become. And what we can become... is someone like him. Perfect and wonderful!  I truly feel his love, he is wonderful. 
I love you all so much!!! Hurrah for Israel! :)
-Hermana Schmidt 
Bus Ride to the Temple

Hermana Schmidt and Hermana Greenstreet 2nd temple trip

Hermana Greenstreet and Hermana Schmidt Temple Trip #1

Another of Hermana Greenstreet and Hermana Schmidt

Hermana Schmidt

Hermana Schmidt, Hermana Greenstreet, President Corbitt

Hermana Schmidt, Hermana Greenstreet and cute Yallin (Kevin's sister from her first area)

Hermana Schmidt and Hermana Greenstreet with Sister Sosa

La Familia Sosa

Another of La Familia Sosa

Tourist Swap Meet

Companions at the Swap Meet

Her DR Headband purchase

Another of the Tourist Swap Meet

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